Thanks Instagram: what to wear this week (#WTWTW3)

12 septiembre

How ya doin? Your girl J just brought you another "What to wear this week" which is basically a series of  me blowing you guys with inspirational posts from Instagram to help create/ develop your style.

 *** This is inspired by Manrepeller 's blogpost.

Let's get into it shawy!!!

Day 1

Take: Is it Monday? Then pick up the heart-shaped sunnies
Leave: Black clothes
Choose your own: Hair bob

Day 2

Take: Checked leg-wide pants
Leave: Sandals
Choose your own: Tied shirt

Day 3

Take: MF EARINGS  duh.

Day 4

Take: Bold one color outfit
Leave: Jacket with shoulderpads
Choose your own: Purse / bf ( u decide)

Day 5

Take: Hair scarf
Leave: Smoking and long sleeves
Choose your own: Designer sunglasses

Day 6

Take: Red everithing
Leave: your bra home, you don't need it anymore
Choose your own: Donut

Day 7

Take: Stand out print and beanie
Leave: meh irdk It's all cool
Choose your own: Art Gallery

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